Brad Chapin is a Masters Level Psychologist with a passion for helping others learn the skills necessary for success and happiness. He is a Best-Selling author and Nationally Recognized Speaker in the area of Self-Regulation.
Brad created the Self-Regulation Training System from a practical, research-based foundation. His strategies have helped thousands of people develop real-world skills for success and happiness. Self-Regulation is directly related to success in academic/job performance, relationships, and overall wellness.
In addition to writing books and speaking, Brad has produced several interactive training tools including the Challenge Software Program, the Self-Regulation Training Board and Ipad App, and the Self-Regulation SmartGuidance DVD.
Brad’s first book, Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation, is in it’s 2nd printing. This book features lessons and activities to help elementary-age chilren develop Self-Regulation skills.
Brad followed this book with his curriculum guide for teaching SR skills to middle/high school students. This book is titled, Helping Teens Learn Self-Regulation.
Regconizing that we must get critical SR skills to children even earlier, Brad released his guide for pre-school and kindergarten. Helping Preschool-age Children Learn Self-Regulation also comes with a kit full of items to help engage the learners.
Brad also partnered with a talented illustrator for The Legend of the Regulators and the Secret List. This children’s book introduces young people to the SR skills in an interactive adventure story.