Brad Chapin

Brad Chapin is a Masters Level Psychologist with a passion for helping others learn the skills necessary for success and happiness. He is a Best-Selling author and Nationally Recognized Speaker in the area of Self-Regulation.

Brad created the Self-Regulation Training System from a practical, research-based foundation. His strategies have helped thousands of people develop real-world skills for success and happiness. Self-Regulation is directly related to success in academic/job performance, relationships, and overall wellness.

In addition to writing books and speaking, Brad has produced several interactive training tools including the Challenge Software Program, the Self-Regulation Training Board and Ipad App, and the Self-Regulation SmartGuidance DVD.

Brad’s first book, Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation, is in it’s 2nd printing. This book features lessons and activities to help elementary-age chilren develop Self-Regulation skills.

Brad followed this book with his curriculum guide for teaching SR skills to middle/high school students. This book is titled, Helping Teens Learn Self-Regulation.

Regconizing that we must get critical SR skills to children even earlier, Brad released his guide for pre-school and kindergarten. Helping Preschool-age Children Learn Self-Regulation also comes with a kit full of items to help engage the learners.

Brad also partnered with a talented illustrator for The Legend of the Regulators and the Secret List. This children’s book introduces young people to the SR skills in an interactive adventure story.

Featured Titles

Helping Preschool-Age Children Learn Self-Regulation
Helping Young People Learn Self-Regulation
Challenge Software DVD
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