Help Kids Do Hard Things: A Balanced Approach to Emotional Support

Help Kids Do Hard Things A Balanced Approach to Emotional Support little boy walking on a balance beam at a park

While both the “buck up” and “bubble wrap” approaches are rooted in good intentions, they both fail to help kids do hard things and acknowledge emotions. We all want the kids in our lives to be resilient. But there are a variety of ways that we try to help kids do hard things. The “Buck […]

Strategies to Improve Listening Skills in Students

Strategies to Improve Listening Skills in Students

Listening is a skill like any other. You can improve listening skills with practice. It often ends with a sigh of relief. The feeling of knowing—they got it. You explained it, offered time to process, and asked for clarification—you know the cliché question “Does everyone understand?” As you peered into the crowd, youngsters nodded with […]

Begin With the End in Mind

Begin With The End in Mind

“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” Alfie Kohn

10 Ways to Recharge During Summer Break

10 Ways to Recharge During Summer Break

Ah…summer is here! We know that for teachers and school counselors the job isn’t really 8:00-3:00 with summers off. Summer is the time when SO MUCH of your life happens. You are not too tired to see friends. There are no papers to grade. You WANT to do something. Summer is when you do the […]

What Triggers Anger?

What Triggers Anger

People don’t get angry without a reason; there is often more to anger than meets the eye. We must go below the surface of what’s happening to unveil the true culprit behind anger.

Why Neuroscience Matters for Kids

Blog 202311 - Why Neuroscience Matters for Kids (1)

By understanding how their brains work, kids can develop a deeper understanding of themselves, the world around them, and their place in it.

Books Are Not the Enemy, Smartphones Are.

Blog 202310 - Smartphones are not the enemy

While some parents are still talking about how books pose the biggest threat to children in schools, teachers are talking about what’s actually impacting their students and classrooms this year: smartphones.

The Best Kids Books About Anxiety

kids books about anxiety

Picture books can be powerful tools for helping kids with anxiety. They can help young kids understand and manage their feelings, develop coping skills, and feel less alone. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why picture books are so effective for helping kids with anxiety and share some of our favorite books about worry and […]

A New Perspective on Behavior

A New Perspective on Behavior

It’s no secret that outward behaviors in our students rarely tell the whole story. Instead, those verbal and physical actions often serve as clues pointing to deeper needs, emotions, and desires. Once the underlying issues are addressed, the path away from negative words and actions becomes much smoother and clearer. As he addresses fifteen key […]

Keeping Teens Safe on Social Media

Keeping Teens Safe on Social Media

A multipronged approach to social media management, including time limits, parental monitoring and supervision, and ongoing discussions about social media can help parents protect teens’ brain development.

Regulation and Co-Regulation

Regulation and Co-Regulation

Students need support more than ever. They need you. You are the strategy. You have the power to help students manage behavior and ultimately heal through co-regulation.

Why We Need to Teach Digital Citizenship to Our Students

Digital Citizenship

Our students spend a lot of time on their devices. By age 11, 53% of children in the U.S. have a smartphone, and by age 16, 89% have one.1 Not only do most youth own a device, but they are on it a lot too! Since the pandemic, young people’s online time has skyrocketed, and […]

What Libraries Do

What Libraries Do

Today’s libraries are more than just books. From teaching critical literacy skills to promoting entrepreneurship and small business development to preserving and facilitating our community stories, an easier question might be what don’t libraries do! Check out some examples of what libraries of all types are doing for their communities.

10 Tips for Mental Health Spring Cleaning

10 Tips for Mental Health Spring Cleaning

Every spring, we give our homes a deep cleaning to get it ready for the coming year. Do you do the same to your mind? Decluttering your brain is just as important as organizing your home. Here are 10 tips for mental health spring cleaning.

Teacher Burnout: A Growing Problem in Schools

Teacher Burnout- A Growing Problem in School

Teacher burnout is more than just a frustrating day with distracted students, helicopter parents, or glitchy technology. It’s caused by chronic stress due to unrelenting workplace demands. The National Education Association defines burnout as “a condition in which an educator has exhausted the personal and professional resources necessary to do the job.” It’s not just about the ability to educate effectively, […]

Six Activities that Inspire a Goal-Setting Mindset in Students

6 Activities that Inspire a Goal-Setting Mindset in Students

When researchers from the University of Scranton tracked 200 people who had made New Year’s resolutions, they found that close to 80 percent kept their pledges for one week—but just 19 percent managed to stick to them for a period of two years.

Hello, Anger

Hello, Anger

From a brain perspective, it makes sense. Stress has been high these past couple of years.

The Unseen Work of a Teacher

The Unseen Work of a Teacher

It goes unnoticed by everyone except the student who was forever impacted. But on occasion, long after the teacher has retired, the grown-up student takes the opportunity to recount his story. This one just happened to be on a national radio show.

Spring into Action with 7 Acts of Kindness

Spring into Action with 7 Acts of Kindness

It’s the end of March, which means it’s springtime and what better time to spring into action with acts of kindness. Savvy Aunties can help our nieces and nephews give back with these simple and fun activities.

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