Saying no is often hard for children (and adults!). Understanding why a child struggles to say no is the first step in empowering them to use their voices. Perhaps they fear repercussions for positively asserting themselves or have learned to earn love and acceptance by obliging others. Maybe they don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or they haven’t been encouraged to prioritize their needs. Perhaps the only “no” they’ve experienced comes with yelling or disrespect and they don’t have the tools to say no in a healthy way. Find out what prohibits children from saying NO so you can address the root cause and empower them to create healthy, life-giving boundaries.
Download this FREE Coloring Sheet you can use with your students to remind them that:
I can use my words
if someone looks down on me
for the color of my skin
or the makeup of my family.
I can say “No!
there is no room here
for hate, injustice,
unkindness, or fear.”
Written by Jenny Simmons.
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