I’m Joree Rose and I am so happy that you are here to Journey Forward® to living your best life.
There was a time in my life where I was stuck. I was living inside the thoughts in my head, believed all my “shoulds” and let fear of the unknown take over and rule much of my decision-making. I didn’t feel like I knew myself very well…I did the obvious next step for almost everything in my life, until finally one day in my early 30’s I realized that I had everything I wanted, but I was unfulfilled and felt my “light” get dim.
But then, I woke up! Mindfulness practice came into my life not by chance or coincidence, but by serendipitous events that I chose to pay attention to. I began to be more aware. I started to slow down. I breathed. I discovered my intention, and for the first time learned to get out of the stories in my head and get into my body. I got present. I learned to meditate. All the while having the courage to look at myself and ask the really hard questions about the course of my life. And more importantly, I listened.
It had been my habit to live on autopilot, until I decided that I wanted to be in the driver seat of my own life. I learned the tools. I lived them. And I journeyed forward to a more mindful, happy, present, fulfilled life because for the first time I was living in alignment with my head and my heart. Dissonance no longer resides in my body.
And now I’m here to guide you to do the same.