Building Resiliency

A Non-Thematic Small-Group Approach

Includes Digital Resources!


SKU: B027-Net

Building Resiliency is a non-thematic small-group counseling approach that addresses the fact that all children, regardless of their present problems, need to be resilient. Each of the book’s eight research-based topics is discussed in four to five sessions designed to help students develop traits that promote resilient behaviors. The topics are:

  • Being Healthy
  • Goal Setting
  • Problem Solving
  • Understanding Feelings
  • Managing Stress
  • Personal Competency
  • Social Competency
  • Positive Outlook

The book also includes formats for group sessions of various lengths, teacher and parent/guardian survey forms, a resiliency quiz which can be used as a pre- and post-test, ASCA standards for each topic, and information supporting the use of resiliency group counseling.

Downloadable digital content includes colorful level 1 Whiteboard compatible PDF files of all the reproducible pages.

Written by Karen Gannon Griffith
Paperback ISBN 9781575431826
Grades 3-7
224 pages
Release Date January 1, 2011

Additional information




Karen Gannon Griffith

Karen Griffith, PhD, LPC, worked in public education for 35 years, 27 as a school counselor, earning multiple state and national recognitions. Now retired, she works at the University of Georgia as an Assistant Professor (Term-Limited) in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services, and with ASCA as a trainer on the national model, Lead RAMP Reviewer, and Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Counseling and Development. She has authored three books and several articles, and speaks at state and national conferences on a variety of topics. Her primary area of research is around resiliency.

Karen Gannon Griffith

Karen Griffith, PhD, LPC, worked in public education for 35 years, 27 as a school counselor, earning multiple state and national recognitions. Now retired, she works at the University of Georgia as an Assistant Professor (Term-Limited) in the Department of Counseling and Human Development Services, and with ASCA as a trainer on the national model, Lead RAMP Reviewer, and Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Counseling and Development. She has authored three books and several articles, and speaks at state and national conferences on a variety of topics. Her primary area of research is around resiliency.


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