I’m Not Bad, I’m Just Mad

Help Kids Control Their Anger


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Most children learn to stop throwing temper tantrums, talking back, and refusing to go to bed or take a bath at an early age. But some children have trouble with impulsivity and self-control. Left unaddressed, these issues can lead to some very serious problems in adolescence and adulthood. Anger control problems are the number one reason that children are referred for therapy, affecting children as young as three years old. Since anger problems in children may indicate other significant concerns, it pays to address anger in kids as soon as possible. If a child in your life has an anger problem, you need the friendly, effective activities in this book.

I’m Not Bad, I’m Just Mad contains forty activities for issues such as recognizing anger triggers, better problem solving, and communication tips for defusing conflict before it gets out of hand. The workbook explores common lifestyle issues such as lack of sleep that can make anger problems worse. These fun activities will help kids talk about their feelings and learn to control them.

Written by Lawrence E. Shapiro, Zack Pelta-Heller, Anna F. Greenwald
Paperback ISBN 9781572246065
Grades 2-5
152 pages
Release Date June 1, 2008

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Lawrence E. Shapiro, PhD, is an internationally known child psychologist and parenting expert in Norwalk, CT. He has written over fifty books for parents, children, and mental health professionals.

Zach Pelta-Heller holds an MFA in non-fiction from The New School. He is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Huffington Post, American Prospect, and Alternet, among other publications. Currently, he lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Anna.

Anna F. Greenwald is currently pursuing her MSS at the Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. She was previously a preschool teacher, and now resides in Philadelphia with her husband.

Lawrence E. Shapiro, PhD, is an internationally known child psychologist and parenting expert in Norwalk, CT. He has written over fifty books for parents, children, and mental health professionals.

Zach Pelta-Heller holds an MFA in non-fiction from The New School. He is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Huffington Post, American Prospect, and Alternet, among other publications. Currently, he lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Anna.

Anna F. Greenwald is currently pursuing her MSS at the Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. She was previously a preschool teacher, and now resides in Philadelphia with her husband.


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