Kimochis Cloud

Toys With Feelings Inside


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SKU: A877-Net

What are Kimochis? On the surface, they are a family of cuddly critters and a big bowl of emotions. Underneath, they are a proven system for helping kids grow and transform by dealing skillfully with their feelings.

Kimochis help kids feel happy, safe, confident, compassionate and successful. They help them establish and sustain strong friendships and get along with each other. Kimochis help kids become resilient, especially during these trying times.

CLOUD is a bit unpredictable. One day he is happy, the next he is angry, and the next day—who knows, maybe sad or even happy again. Cloud lives in the big sky and loves to travel across the treetops paying visits to all his friends. Cloud’s favorite number is 9. His favorite color is gray, because there are so many different shades of it—just like his personality. Cloud loves butterscotch pudding and green tea. Cloud doesn’t play an instrument, but he is a great audience!

Cloud helps kids learn how to:

  • Regulate their tone of voice, body language, words, and actions
  • Feel mad without being mean


  1. 13” plush character in a canvas bag
  2. The 3 feelings (Happy, Sad, and Mad) can be stored in Cloud’s front pouch.
  3. Cloud’s head turns! He has a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other.
  4. 48-page Feel Guide comes with fun and easy activities.
Grades PK-3
Release Date May 1, 2011

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