Operation: Breaking the Middle School Code

17 Essential Lessons and Reproducible Worksheets


SKU: B595-Net

This third book in a series of skill-based guidance instruction materials focuses on the successful transition from elementary to middle school that all students want to achieve. Whether your setting allows extended access to large and small group sessions or quick, streamlined sessions this book will meet your needs. In addition, the lessons are designed for fifth graders prior to their rising or for sixth graders who are acclimating themselves to their new setting. From personal hygiene to time management to fostering resiliency this book will cover the hot topics on the hearts and minds of this age group.

Written by Poppy Moon, Cathy Wooldridge
Paperback ISBN 9781598501766
Grades 5-8
142 pages
Release Date February 1, 2009

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Poppy Moon

Dr. Moon is an accomplished author and illustrator of guidance-related games, books, and DVDs. Operation Breaking the Boy Code & Operation Breaking the Girl Code, Operation Breaking the Middle School Code, Kicky the Mean Chick, How to Be a Bully – NOT!, and Good Friends/Bad Friends & How to Know the Difference are just some of her creations. Dr. Moon was thrilled to receive a Mom’s Choice Gold Award for the book she both wrote and illustrated, The School with No Rules. Two other books she illustrated, Brad Takes a Bite Out of Meanness and Princess Priscilla and the Bully Bee Day both received Mom’s Choice Silver Awards. Her first game, Snoots Toots! A Kids Guide to Empathy & Manners, received a Dr. Toy Best Game Award. Youthlight is the publisher of her products. She believes that her goal in life is to help counselors be better counselors. She says, “There is magic in what we do. We change lives.”

Poppy Moon

Dr. Moon is an accomplished author and illustrator of guidance-related games, books, and DVDs. Operation Breaking the Boy Code & Operation Breaking the Girl Code, Operation Breaking the Middle School Code, Kicky the Mean Chick, How to Be a Bully – NOT!, and Good Friends/Bad Friends & How to Know the Difference are just some of her creations. Dr. Moon was thrilled to receive a Mom’s Choice Gold Award for the book she both wrote and illustrated, The School with No Rules. Two other books she illustrated, Brad Takes a Bite Out of Meanness and Princess Priscilla and the Bully Bee Day both received Mom’s Choice Silver Awards. Her first game, Snoots Toots! A Kids Guide to Empathy & Manners, received a Dr. Toy Best Game Award. Youthlight is the publisher of her products. She believes that her goal in life is to help counselors be better counselors. She says, “There is magic in what we do. We change lives.”


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