NCYI Reviewers

Sign up to review one of our books!

This page is for APPROVED NCYI Reviewers. If you are interested in becoming one of our reviewers please a APPLY.

New Releases

We do not have any new releases available to review at this time. Check back soon!

Release Date: September 26, 2024

Preorder Review: September 19-25, 2024

Release Review: September 26 – October 2, 2024

Sign Up Deadline: September 11, 2024

Reignite Your Passion, Deepen Your Calling, and Lead Positive Change

You’re not alone. The weight of the world has left many educators feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and questioning their purpose.

In this empowering book you will:

  • Learn practical strategies to overcome burnout and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Reconnect with your core purpose as an educator and articulate what it means to you to inspire young minds.
  • Reignite your passion for education and find joy in our school communities again.
  • Develop a personalized action plan to navigate the ever-changing educational landscape.
  • Become a stronger, more resilient educator equipped to lead positive change in your students’ lives.


Written by a fellow educator who understands the unique challenges you face; this is more than just a book – it’s a guided retreat designed to fit your busy schedule. Each concise chapter offers actionable steps and thought-provoking exercises you can complete in short bursts, making it easy to integrate renewal into your daily routine.

Don’t let the fire dim. Reclaim your passion, purpose, and position as a transformative educator!


Not only can you review our new releases, you can also review backlist titles! Whether you missed the review period when a book was released, or you are discovering a past title for the first time, we have something for you!

Our backlist titles are limited to two a month. Each month we get a new set, so check back! Please note that backlist titles will not have giveaway copies offered.

Click the cover to learn more about the book. Then sign up in the form below to review the ones you are interested in.

Sign Up to Review

Upcoming Releases

We have so many new titles coming out soon – picture books from your favorite authors, new card decks, and workbooks in the 15-Minute Focus series, along with the new series for small groups, 30-Minute Groups! Check back soon.

Preorder Review: October 17-23, 2024

Release Review: October 24-31, 2024

Sign Up Deadline: October 9, 2024

Release Date: October 24, 2024


Identifying Triggers, Developing Coping Strategies, and Communicating Effectively

Are you looking for an engaging tool to help your students learn about and manage their big emotions?

This workbook will equip you with everything you need to do just that! Teach social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in thirty-minute lessons for small group or classroom instruction. It’s flexible, adaptable, and requires minimal prep time – no extra materials required!

Designed to build strong emotional intelligence, this workbook is rooted in research-backed strategies to help children become grounded, more confident, and better equipped to navigate big emotions.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • 10 Complete Lessons with ASCA® standards
  • Permission and Completion Letters to send to caregivers
  • Attendance Logs
  • Pre- and Post-Surveys to Assess Program Effectiveness
  • Results Template to share with interested parties


Topics include Upstairs and Downstairs Brain, stress busting, braving big emotions, regulation and co-regulation, self-compassion, mending mistakes, and more. The lessons and questions in this thoughtfully crafted resource are designed to help students explore their emotions, learn calming techniques, and develop tools they can use to effectively communicate big feelings in healthy ways.

This workbook’s engaging design allows students to connect with characters and stories, while also having fun and building community with their peers. Use the 30-Minute Groups: Managing Big Emotions workbook to help provide a strong foundation for students to become more emotionally aware and resilient learners!

Release Date: January 16, 2025

Calming the Mind, Challenging Thoughts, and Building Confidence

Are you looking for a tool to help your students learn how to understand and manage anxiety?

This workbook will do that and more. Teach ASCA-aligned skills in thirty-minute lessons for small group or classroom instruction. Everything you need, with minimal prep time and no extra materials required!

Flexible and easily adaptable for classroom and small group settings, the 30-Minute Groups: Anxiety workbook is rooted in a research-backed commitment to help children become more confident, steady, and determined to grow and thrive in school, work, and life.

Inside, you’ll find:

  • 10 Complete Lessons with ASCA Standards
  • Permission and Completion Letters to send to caregivers
  • Attendance Logs
  • Pre-and Post-Surveys to measure the success of the programming
  • Results Template to share with interested parties


Topics include understanding anxiety, the 4 F’s (fight, flight, freeze, and fawn), the brain science of anxiety, coping skills, and more. The lessons and questions in this thoughtfully crafted resource are designed to help students get curious about anxiety and learn tips and techniques they can incorporate into their thoughts, words, and behaviors that allow them to feel safe in their bodies and navigate through worry.

This workbook’s design allows students to connect with characters from each lesson’s story, while also having fun and building community with their peers. Use the 30-Minute Groups: Anxiety workbook to help provide a strong foundation for students to become more connected and resilient learners!

Completed Reviews

One you have completed your review, please fill out the  form below for our records. We kindly ask that you share your review on ALL of your submitted and approved website/social media sites and on Amazon.

Thank you for being a part of the NCYI Reviewer team! It is because of your reviews and influence that the important messages portrayed in these books get into the hands of the children who need them. We couldn’t do it without you!


Where did you share your review?

Please be sure to tag us so we can see your post. @nationalcenterforyouthissues
I shared it in a story.
If you did not share a review on Amazon, would you please consider doing so? This is our biggest outlet and having many positive reviews not only let's readers know it is a good book, it also triggers Amazon to promote the book more frequently. Though we encourage reviewing on Amazon, is not required.
Sometimes Amazon makes it complicated to send a link to your review. If that is the case, please tell us the name your review is listed under.
Please enter any information about where else you may have posted that isn't easily entered as a link above. We also welcome any other feedback about the process or the book itself. Thank you for reviewing our books!

Reviewer Policies

To be eligible to review you must:

Be one of NCYI’s Approved Reviewers

To verify this, you will be asked to enter a code that was sent in the reviewer acceptance email. (If you have misplaced your code please send us an email at

Be willing to share the book on ALL of your submitted and approved Social Media Sites

When you submitted your interest in being a reviewer for NCYI you were asked to submit the sites that you would be willing to share your reviews.  Please plan to share this book on ALL of those submitted and reviewed sites. We would also appreciate if you link to the book and tag NCYI as well.

Be willing to review the book on Amazon*

We ask that all of our reviewers write a review of book on Amazon, if able. Click here for the Amazon Guidelines for writing reviews.

Be willing to review the book in the chosen Timeframe

We have a specific time that we want to share our books, so we request that you share the book during the timeframe chosen. We try to get the book to you with enough time prior to your review window, so you will have time to read the book and write your review. If you believe you will need more time to write your review please email us at

You Online Reviews are Important*

Your words carry weight with other educators and the broader community. Each time you post a review on Amazon or another online book retailer, countless people will read your words and look at the star-rating you’ve given a title.

Reviews give an immediate snapshot into what you think of the quality and content of a book, and other potential customers rely on your insight. One of the detrimental actions taken by well-meaning reviewers is giving a book a 3-star or 4-star rating because the book was provided at no cost to the reviewer.

If you read a title we’ve sent for review and found it to be well-written, engaging, and a helpful resource for children, we ask that you rate it based on the quality of the work, and do not reduce your rating because the book was provided at no cost. As you may know, the algorithms online retailers use are weighed heavily by customer reviews, and lower star ratings limit the reach the book can have on their sites. If it is a book you’d recommend, please give it 5-stars. If it warrants less than that, we welcome your honest feedback.

If you have any concerns please let us know, and we would happily discuss them with you. Thank you for the time you give in sharing your opinions with your audience. It makes a huge difference in helping get these books in front of the children who need them!

Giveaway Copies

A limited number of reviewers will have access to additional copies for giveaways with each new release. Once we have a certain number sign up for giveaway copies, additional giveaway copies will not be available. (You will still receive one hard copy to review.) So sign up early! We find that giveaways create more traffic and buzz on social media, which benefits both of us!

We ask that when you do a giveaway you ask your reviewers to like/follow us to be eligible for the giveaway. We hope our resources and posts will be of a benefit to your followers!

As a reminder, we ask that your post about our books be about the book itself and not the giveaway. The giveaway is a bonus.

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