Scott Ertl

Scott Ertl’s career began as a comedy magician and juggler. As a Goodwill Ambassador, he toured Russia, Denmark & Estonia with Patch Adams. After performing comedy magic and juggling for 11 years and over 3,000 circus and stage audiences, Scott ran away from the circus to join a school! Since 1996, he has enjoyed working as an elementary school counselor to help children develop goals and learn how to turn their stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Scott has trained over 2,500 counselors, teachers, and other leaders to facilitate Playshops & Parent-Child Retreats throughout the U.S. As one of his crowning achievements, he developed Progress Cards as a way to record effective strategies for specific behaviors and issues. He has recorded effective tips and techniques that have directly helped hundreds of children deal with divorce, friendships, death of a loved one, bullies, etc.

As a popular keynote and session speaker, Scott has shared his creative and cooperative counseling skills at conferences throughout the United States.

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