Spring into Action with 7 Acts of Kindness

It's the end of March, which means it's springtime and what better time to spring into action with acts of kindness. Savvy Aunties can help our nieces and nephews give back with these simple and fun activities.

Two kids hugging each other

It’s the end of March, which means it’s springtime and what better time to spring into action with acts of kindness. Savvy Aunties can help our nieces and nephews give back with these simple and fun activities.

1. Plant It!

Offer to plant a flower or vegetable garden for an elderly neighbor or family member. Nieces and nephews get kindness bonus points if they take care of the garden throughout the season.

2. Clean It!

Encourage the children to beautify their surroundings. Help them organize a community spring cleaning event with siblings, friends, and schoolmates, picking up trash at a local park or beach.

3. Change It!

If you’re out with the kids and notice a car parked at a meter that is about to expire, count some change to leave in the meter. Do it the same for someone who is short in change at the coffee shop or ice cream parlor.

4. Bake It!

Bake a batch of cookies with the children and have them share them around the neighborhood just as a nice surprise. If you don’t have the time to bake, make a quick stop to the baked goods aisle. You guys will likely make someone’s day.

5. Leave it!

Before you and the kids return borrowed books to the library, encourage and/or help them write friendly and uplifting notes to leave in between the pages for the next reader.

6. Note It!

As a spontaneous act of kindness and recognition, nieces and nephews can write a Thank You note for the people they appreciate and interact with often, like a school bus driver, mail carrier, FedEd/UPS person, dog walker, building superintendent / doormen/women, librarian, tutor, coach, babysitter, etc.

7. Raise It!

Set up a lemonade stand with your nieces and nephews to sell lemonade for a good cause. Donate the funds you raise to a local charity of their choice.

First seen on savvyauntie.com

Written by Savvy Auntie Guest Expert.

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