The Awfulizer Resource Bundle

Downloadable resources to go with the book!


SKU: RD-011-Net

We have created Resource Bundles so you can dive deeper into the lessons taught in our picture books. Each of our Resource Bundles contains various activities you can use with children, such as, worksheets, coloring pages, posters, craftivities, and games.


  • Posters inspired by the book
  • Encouragement Stickers Template
  • The Awfulizer Worksheet
  • What Does Your Awfulizer Look Like? Coloring Prompt
  • You Can Always Stand Up to Shame Coloring Prompt
  • Coloring Pages from the book
  • The Shame Game

*Resource Bundles are downloadable PDFs. You will have immediate access to download the bundles once your order is complete. A link will also be included in your confirmation email. Save the PDF for future use. You may not share a resource bundle with your school or district. It may only be used with your students and class.

Written by Kristin Maher
Illustrated by Robert Dunn
Grades 3-6
16 pages
Release Date August 22, 2019

Additional information




Kristin Maher

Kristin Maher is an advocate, writer, and speaker on topics dealing with negative emotions. Being on the client side of therapy gave Maher tools for learning to regain control over negative emotions, which led her to write her first book. Aimed at young children, Maher teaches language and strategies for managing shame at its earliest stages. A major catalyst for writing the book was seeing the early signs of shame in her own children. She knew from her own experiences that having the right tools at the right time can prevent future struggles with shame and other limiting emotions. Maher has expanded her focus into a platform she now shares around the country through podcast, her website, and speaking engagements. She lives in Nashville with her husband Matt and their three children.

Kristin Maher

Kristin Maher is an advocate, writer, and speaker on topics dealing with negative emotions. Being on the client side of therapy gave Maher tools for learning to regain control over negative emotions, which led her to write her first book. Aimed at young children, Maher teaches language and strategies for managing shame at its earliest stages. A major catalyst for writing the book was seeing the early signs of shame in her own children. She knew from her own experiences that having the right tools at the right time can prevent future struggles with shame and other limiting emotions. Maher has expanded her focus into a platform she now shares around the country through podcast, her website, and speaking engagements. She lives in Nashville with her husband Matt and their three children.


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