Lost and Found

Rescuing Our Children and Youth from Video, Screen, Technology and Gaming Addiction

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Technology is a “good” thing. Right?

Technology has provided many improvements in communication and entertainment. We are able to quickly keep up with friends, search the boundless limits of the Internet, and the gaming industry is booming with hi-definition realistic play. However, along with these improvements comes an unwelcome predator, addiction.

The good news is that technology addictions are treatable. Lost and Found will provide you with ideas and principles that are specific to issues related to the overuse and abuse of technology. The comprehensive approach provided in this book will help parents, caregivers, and professionals feel more confident and effective through a better education of the factors and warning signs leading to technology addiction. It also offers practical exercises and resources to help those suffering its effects.

Written by Kim “Tip” Frank
Paperback ISBN 9781937870157
Grades K-12
124 pages
Release Date July 15, 2013

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Kim “Tip” Frank

Kim “Tip” Frank, longtime school counselor and therapist, has had the privilege of helping thousands of students, formerly as a teacher, and more recently, as a counselor/therapist. Tip worked in the public school setting for over 20 years and now maintains a thriving, private counseling practice. He has authored and coauthored numerous books on topics including ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, social skills, grief, technology and gaming addictions, divorce and separation, and presents nationally on these topics.

Kim “Tip” Frank

Kim “Tip” Frank, longtime school counselor and therapist, has had the privilege of helping thousands of students, formerly as a teacher, and more recently, as a counselor/therapist. Tip worked in the public school setting for over 20 years and now maintains a thriving, private counseling practice. He has authored and coauthored numerous books on topics including ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, social skills, grief, technology and gaming addictions, divorce and separation, and presents nationally on these topics.

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