
Your Amazing Brain Set

A 2 Book Set

Includes Digital Resources!

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All behavior comes from the brain. Whether an adult or a child, there is great value in knowing why we do what we do. In this set, Jessica Sinarski unpacks the power of our amazing brains.

In Light Up the Learning Brain: 7 Keys to Reducing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom you will discover:

  • how the brain’s two main “operating systems” interact – and often compete
  • the amygdala’s vital role as an alarm system and gatekeeper
  • ways that brain function is closely connected to our senses
  • the power of play, curiosity, and safety in fostering brain development
  • tips, scripts, and tools to make your job easier and more fulfilling


In Your Amazing Brain The Epic Illustrated Guide you’ll discover:

  • engaging visuals explaining brain cell and nervous system basics
  • the surprising role of our eight senses – yes, there are more than five!
  • differences between the two brain “teams” and the ways they impact behavior
  • proven strategies for helping our rational “upstairs brain” run the show
  • simple brain-boosting ideas for all ages
  • …and much more!


This set will engage kids as they learn about their brains and equip you to teach through a brain-based lens.

  • Light Up the Learning Brain

  • Your Amazing Brain

Original price was: $34.90.Current price is: $27.92.


SKU: D543-Net

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Additional information




Light Up the Learning Brain




Your Amazing Brain




Written by Jessica Sinarski
Illustrated by Luiz Fernando Da Silva
Grades K-12
Release Date January 25, 2024
Jessica Sinarski

Jessica Sinarski, LPCMH is an award-winning author, dynamic speaker, and the founder of BraveBrains. She has spent her entire career working with children who have challenging behaviors and the caring adults in their lives. She loves spicy food, Diet Coke, and her sweet, silly family…not in that order.

Jessica has worked with thousands of teachers, counselors, and administrators to get to the root of problematic student (and staff) behavior. She translates neuroscience into action steps through comprehensive professional development, diverse books, and practical tools for the classroom and beyond. Jessica Sinarski is also the author of numerous books, including titles in the Your Magic Backpack series and the BraveBrains series.

Jessica Sinarski

Jessica Sinarski, LPCMH is an award-winning author, dynamic speaker, and the founder of BraveBrains. She has spent her entire career working with children who have challenging behaviors and the caring adults in their lives. She loves spicy food, Diet Coke, and her sweet, silly family…not in that order.

Jessica has worked with thousands of teachers, counselors, and administrators to get to the root of problematic student (and staff) behavior. She translates neuroscience into action steps through comprehensive professional development, diverse books, and practical tools for the classroom and beyond. Jessica Sinarski is also the author of numerous books, including titles in the Your Magic Backpack series and the BraveBrains series.

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